Anna Heymowska

Under the Bed of this Shadow, HandelsXMejan 2024

Mixed medium, charcoal powder

This site-specific installation investigates the relation between natural formations and the human search for meaningful and metaphorical connections.

The rocks seems either to have fallen down or been thrown out in the ordered architecture. They might be remains of a past event or read as an augur for a possible future. The work investigates a translation from actual volcanic formations into a sculptural interpretation of the mineral logic. The process was informed by a through research on volcanic scoria and excursions on volcanic land. The charcoal beneeth the sculptures are also a part of a mimmetick artistic tradition of drawing, sculpting and transforming nature into artefact.

I’m interested in the complex relation between nature’s own agency, emotional projection and the unpredictable and unknowable.

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Anna Heymowska

Based in Stockholm
